(Tinjauan Linguistik Klinis terhadap Siswa Kelas XII SPLB-C YPLB Bandung)


  • Lenny Nofriyani Adam Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Dadang Sudana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Heru Pratikno Universitas islam Bandung


Kemampuan membaca, anak tunagrahita, intervensi klinis


This study aims to identify and describe the reading ability of students with intellectual disabilities in Grade XII of SPLB-C YPLB Bandung from a clinical linguistics perspective. Through qualitative descriptive research methods, observations were conducted on three students categorized as having mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. The study included observations of their ability to read syllables with consonant-vowel (CV), vowel-consonant (VC), and consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) patterns, as well as in-depth interviews with teachers. The observations revealed that students with mild intellectual disabilities demonstrated better recognition and reading of syllable patterns compared to students with moderate intellectual disabilities. The main challenges faced were reading complex syllable patterns and blending sounds, which affected their ability to comprehend written instructions. This study recommends intervention based on the unique characteristics of each child, utilizing multisensory teaching approaches, and involving parents in supporting learning at home to improve the reading skills of students with intellectual disabilities.

Author Biography

Dadang Sudana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Linguistics Department of School of Postgraduated


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How to Cite

Adam, L. N., Sudana, D., & Pratikno, H. (2024). KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA ANAK TUNAGRAHITA: (Tinjauan Linguistik Klinis terhadap Siswa Kelas XII SPLB-C YPLB Bandung). Jubindo: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, 9(2), 56–68. Retrieved from