Language Interference in English Language Learning in Indonesia


  • Aris Qudsi Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Evi Karlina Ambarwati Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


English, Learner, Interfere, First Language


This paper examines the language interference on English language learning on Indonesian students. Additionally, this paper discusses certain facets of the two languages -English and Indonesia- that may lead to some "errors" for both English language learners and speakers of Indonesian as a whole. In addition, the study attempts to use qualitative research approach. The data for this qualitative study were obtained from five students who had different backgrounds of English learning. Observation and interview were used as the research instruments to collect the data in this study. The results reflected that the students showed foreign language effects. The native language of the students, in this example, Indonesia, has been found to have certain linguistic features that set it apart from the target language, English, and are thought to have an impact on the acquisition of a second language. Grammar, pronunciation, and confidence are three of them. 


