Author Guidelines

The following is a guideline for writing articles for writers before submitting the manuscript to the BIO-EDU Journal:

1. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English but specifically, abstracts must be filled in two languages ​​(Indonesian-English).

2. The manuscript sent has never been published and is not currently in the process of scientific publication in other media.

3. The author is not permitted to send the same manuscript to other media during the publication process unless the author has withdrawn the manuscript before the review process is carried out.

4. The manuscript is the original work of the writer and is free from plagiarism.

5. The manuscript is written in the form of research (field studies or conceptual thinking).

6. The manuscripts are typed in the following format: documents (doc, Docx, RTF), Times New Roman letters, A4 paper size with a right margin of 3cm, left 3cm, top 3cm top, and bottom 3cm.

7. Minimum number of article pages is 12 pages.

8.The number of bibliographies is at least 15 with a percentage of 70% sourced from scientific journals and 30% from books and other sources

9. Manuscripts will be submitted to the editor for further review if the guidelines have been followed. Decisions for publication, amendments, or rejection are based on their reports/recommendations and are made by the Editor.

10. If the manuscript is not in accordance with the scope and guidelines for writing, then the article is rejected and returned. The manuscript can be sent back if it has followed the writing guidelines.

11. Each paper submitted is reviewed independently by at least two peer reviewers.

12. If two or more reviewers consider the text unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis of the decision will be sent to the author within two months from the date of submission.

13. The author must revise the manuscript at any time as needed according to the instructions and time allocated by the editor

14. The editor has the right to edit the manuscript without changing the substance of the manuscript.

15. The authors must include a letter of authenticity to the manuscript and transfer of copyright signed on a stamp. The letter is then scanned and attached to the article. The format of the letter of the original text and transfer of copyright can be downloaded here.

16. The systematic articles are arranged according to the provisions in the journal template which can be downloaded here