About the Journal

Journal of Information and Technology UNIMOR  (JITU)  provides a forum for publishing the original research articles from contributors related to Internet of Things (IoT), Data mining, Cloud Computing, and computing algorithms. The scope of JITU is as follows:

  • Internet Of Things (IoT);
  • Data mining;
  • Robotics;
  • Control systems;
  • Processor and ASIC design;
  • Programable Devices Based on HDL and IP Core;
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC);
  • Distributed Systems;
  • Cloud Computing;
  • Sensor Network and IoT;
  • Computer Networks and Security;
  • Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence;
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;
  • Mobile Computing;
  • Knowledge Management, and
  • Business Inteligence.

Section Policies

Original Research Articles

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Review Articles

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Editorial Articles

Artikel editorial dari pengelola jurnal.

Unchecked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process / Policy

Articles submitted to Journal of Information and Technology UNIMOR  (JITU)   will be evaluated for publication through 2 stages of review, ie pre-review and substance review.
In the first stage, the main handling editor of the journal evaluates the conformity of the article with the focus and scope of the journal as well as the journal style and specific JITU author guidelines. All out-scope articles will be declined. Journal of Information and Technology UNIMOR  (JITU) uses Google Scholar and Turnitin software for plagiarism and similarity checking of the submitted article. Duration of evaluation between 2  weeks.

Substantial single-blind reviews are performed by a minimum of two reviewers — duration of evaluation between 2-4 weeks after review assignments. If desired, the reviewer may request a re-review after the author revises his/her article.

The Editor in Chief authorizes the decision of whether the article can be published by considering recommendations from reviewers. Journal of Information and Technology UNIMOR  (JITU)  publishes In-Press issue containing accepted articles for faster indexing. JITU also publishes the camera-ready articles in the In-Progress issue prior to regular issue publication.

If you would like to become a reviewer for JTSiskom journal, please complete the online Application Form. You should provide some descriptive words of your reviewing interests. We will register you as a Reviewer and an Author into JTSiskom journal within three working days. Your account information, ie username, and password will be delivered to your email.