Pengembangan Platform Web Pengelolaan Informasi Pemasaran Rumah Bersubsidi Di Perumahan Biinmaffo Residence Menggunakan Metode Pendekatan RAD


  • Leonard Peter Gelu Unimor



Keywords – information technology, marketing, Rappid Appilication Development


Abstract -  The advancement of information technology has had a significant impact on entrepreneurs, including those in the housing sector, by facilitating business monitoring and marketing. Information technology overcomes the constraints of distance and time, allowing customers to access information via websites without needing to visit offices directly, thus saving time and enhancing efficiency. Housing, as a basic human need, plays a crucial role in improving dignity and status, as well as serving strategic functions such as educational centers, cultural adaptation, and the development of future generations. Cities, as densely populated and heterogeneous centers, face challenges related to increasing housing needs due to population growth. In Indonesia, the annual housing demand reaches 2.6 million units, driven by a population growth rate of 1.3% per year. PT. Risky Putra Griya Permai, a subsidized housing developer, faces challenges in manual data processing, such as checking stock, area, and house types, affecting report generation. Efforts to transition to a computerized archiving system are expected to improve efficiency and accuracy in housing data management.


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