The The Chemical Characteristic of Manila Duck Sausage Processed by Using Purple Sweet Potato Flour as Subtitute of Tapioca

  • Yakob Robert Noach Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Agatha Feriyanti Fore Kehik Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Gertruida Margareth Sipahelut Universitas Nusa Cendana
Keywords: Keywords: duck sausage, purple sweet potato flour, antioxidants, fat oxidation and fat content.


Experiment aims to determine the substitution effect of tapioca by purple sweet potato flour on antioxidant, fat oxidation, fat content and pH of Manila duck sausage. Completely randomised design with 5 treatments and 3 replications was applied in this experiment. Those treatment were:  P0 = 100% of tapioca; P1 = 25% purple sweet potato flour + 75% tapioca; P2 = 50% purple sweet potato flour + 50% tapioca; P3 = 75% purple sweet potato flour + 25% tapioca; dan P4 = 100% purple sweet potato flour. Variable measured were: antioxidant, fat oxidation, fat content and pH. The result showed that treatments have close significant (P<0.01) on antioxidant and fat oxidation, significant (P<0.05) on pH and no significant (P>0.05) on fat content.  It can be concluded that insreasing of purple sweet potato flour substitution up to 100%, producing the best chemicals characteristic of Manila duck sausage which indicated by increase of antioxidant, decreasing of fat oxidation, lower fat content and pH of sausage.



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How to Cite
Noach, Y., Kehik, A., & Sipahelut, G. (2022). The The Chemical Characteristic of Manila Duck Sausage Processed by Using Purple Sweet Potato Flour as Subtitute of Tapioca. Journal of Tropical Animal Science and Technology, 4(1), 1-9.