The Estimate of Repitability of Performances at Birth and Weaning Age of Duroc Crossbred Sows

  • Yohanes Djego Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Johny Nada Kihe Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Petrus Kune Universitas Nusa Cendana
Keywords: Repitability, Litter size, Weaning rate, Birth weight and weaning weight


The aims of this study were to determine the average and standard deviation and to  estimate   repitability  coefficients of production  at birth  and  weaning characters of duroc crossbred sows. The study  was carried out in two breeding farms namely the Instalation of Pig Breeding, village of Tarus, Kupang Regency and the Manise Pig Farm, Village of Oetete, Kupang City, East  Nusa  Tenggara (NTT).   Materials used  duroc  crossbred  sows ( 15  heads ) which born and weaned piglets  during the study periode.  All  sows  was  mated artivicialy  with  boars of  duroc crossbred.   Variables were  liter size, weaning rate, birth weight and weaning  weight.  Analysis of  statistical description was  used to determine the  average  and  deviation standard  of  liter  size,  weaning  rate,  birth  and  weaning  weights. Effects  between paritas was analysed using  t-test  and the  interclass correlation was used to calculate  the  coefficient of  repitability.  Results  showed that duroc crossbred sows had the  average and  deviation standard for  the first and second liter size 9.87±1.80 head  and  10.67±2.58  head;  for the first and second  birth weight  1.30±0.26  kg and 1.47±0.47 kg, for the first and second weaning  weight  6.01±0.49 kg  and  6.47±0.61 kg  .and for the first and second weaning rate 8.20±1.78 head and  8.53±2.23 head; respectively.  The average of litter size, birth weight, weaning weight and weaning rate between the first and second  parity  was no difference (P > 0,05). The  coefficients of  repeatabitily for  characters  of  liter size, birth weight, weaning weight  and  weaning  rate   were  0.48; 0.30;  0.46 and 0,52; respectively.   In  conclution,  the  coefficients  of repeatabily  of litter  size,  birth weight  and weaning  weight from duroc  crossbred sows were  medium  and that  for weaning rate  was high value  and the performance of  characters between  the first  and  second parity were  relatively same.


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How to Cite
Djego, Y., Kihe, J., & Kune, P. (2022). The Estimate of Repitability of Performances at Birth and Weaning Age of Duroc Crossbred Sows. Journal of Tropical Animal Science and Technology, 4(1), 17-24.