Authors are required to ensure that all references cited in the manuscript are accurate, complete, and conform to the journal's required citation style. This journal uses the [APA / MLA / Chicago / other preferred style] referencing system.

To facilitate proper referencing, we recommend the use of reference management software, such as:

  • Zotero
  • Mendeley
  • EndNote

General Guidelines

  1. Consistency: All citations and references must be formatted consistently according to the required citation style.
  2. Accuracy: Authors must ensure that all references cited in the manuscript are correct and verifiable.
  3. DOIs: Where available, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) must be included for all cited references.
  4. Plagiarism Avoidance: Proper acknowledgment must be given to the work of others, ensuring that all sources are appropriately cited.

Citation Style

All references must adhere to the journal's citation format. For detailed guidelines, please refer to the Author Guidelines section of our journal website.

Reference Tools Integration

Authors may use tools like Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote to organize and format their references automatically. These tools can also help avoid inconsistencies and improve the accuracy of citations.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the manuscript being returned to the authors for corrections.