Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process is a review process used by Range: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika in assessing the quality of manuscripts before publication. Manuscripts are reviewed by experts relevant to Range focus and scope. The reviewers will comment on the manuscripts received. This process aims to help the editor determine whether the manuscript should be published in Range.

Important points in the Peer Review Process:

  1. Sumbitted manuscripts will be in early screening process by the editorial team.
  2. Manuscripts that pass the early screening will be sent to at least 1 peer reviewer for review.
  3. Peer reviewers independently make recommendations to the journal editor, whether the manuscript should be rejected or accepted (with or without revisions).
  4. The journal editor considers all feedback from peer reviewers and makes a decision to accept or reject the manuscript.

Peer Review Process untuk publikasi jurnal pada dasarnya adalah mekanisme kendali mutu, dimana para reviewer mengevaluasi naskah yang bertujuan untuk memastikan kualitas dari naskah yang diterbitkan. Namun, peer reviewer tidak membuat keputusan untuk menerima atau menolak makalah, tetapi memberikan rekomendasi keputusan. Di jurnal, otoritas pengambilan keputusan hanya ada pada editor jurnal atau dewan editorial jurnal.

The Peer Review Process for journal publications is basically a quality control mechanism, where reviewers evaluate manuscripts with the aim of ensuring the quality of the published manuscript. However, peer reviewers do not make decisions to accept or reject papers, but provide decision recommendations. In journals, decision-making authority rests only with the journal editor or journal editorial board.

How does it work?

When a manuscript is submitted to a journal, a pre-review will be carried out to see whether it meets the criteria. If so, the editorial team will select potential peer reviewers in the research field to peer review the manuscript and make recommendations. There are two types of peer review used by Range: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

  • Open peer: the author knows who the reviewer is, and the reviewer knows who the author is. If the manuscript is accepted, a named reviewer's report is published alongside the article.
  • Transparent: reviewers know the names of authors, but authors do not know who reviewed their manuscript unless the reviewer chooses to sign their report. If the manuscript is accepted, an anonymous reviewer's report is published alongside the article.

Why does peer review?

Peer review is an integral part of scientific publishing that confirms the validity of the manuscript. Peer reviewers are experts who donate their time to help improve the manuscripts reviewed.

Peer review step

    1. Manuscript Submission

    The author sends the manuscript to the Range. Delivery via OJS on the Range journal page.

    1. Editorial Team Assessment

    The editorial team checks the manuscript to ensure it complies with the journal template. The quality of the manuscript is not assessed at this time.

    1. Assessment by the Editor-in-Chief

    The editor-in-chief checks that the manuscript is suitable for the journal, is sufficiently original and interesting, and meets the plagiarism tolerance limits. Otherwise, the manuscript may be rejected without further review.

    1. Invitation of Peer Reviewers

    The editor sends invitations to individuals who are suitable reviewers.

    1. Response to Invitation

    Potential reviewers weigh such invitations in the light of their own expertise, conflicts of interest, and availability. They then accept or reject it. If it possible when rejecting, they suggest alternative reviewers.

    1. Review Conducted

    Reviewers set aside time to read a manuscript several times to form an initial impression of a manuscript and take notes for a detailed point-by-point review. The review is then sent to the journal, with a recommendation to accept or reject it or with a request for revision before reconsideration.

    1. Journal Evaluates Reviews

    Editors consider all returned reviews before making an overall decision. If reviews differ significantly, the editor may invite additional reviewers to obtain additional opinions before making a decision.

    1. Decisions are Communicated

    The editor sends a decision email to the author including relevant reviewer comments.

    1. Next Steps

    If accepted, the manuscript is sent to the copyeditor, from the copyeditor to the layout, and then from the layout editor to production. If it is rejected or sent back, the author is asked to revise it with comments from reviewers to help the author improve the manuscript. At this stage, the reviewer is also sent an email to notify the author of the revision results. If the manuscript is revised again, the reviewer expects a new version of the manuscript. However, if only minor changes are requested, then the review is carried out by the editor.