Bayesian Method for Quality Control with Weibull Distribution

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Cecilia Novianti Salsinha
Yeni Rafita Sihombing
Melissa Aeudia Daullu


Weibull distribution is one of the continous probability density function. This distribution is known as a flexible distribution. One of it’s flexibility is can be transformed into other distributions such as exponential distribution depends on parameter selected. Similar to other distribution, Weibull distribution also characterized by cumulative distribution function, mean, variance and moment generating function. One of the well-known application of  this distribution is in the field of quality control utilizing reliability data and the well-known tool in quality control is control chart. Therefore,  reliability data is not follow normal distribution then Shewhart control chart cannot be applied. To solve this problem, control chart can be formed with the control limit is obtained by Bayesian method. In applying Bayesian method, prior distribution of shape parameter is assumed to be uniform distribution and variables for reliability is assumed to be invers of Weibull distribution. The prior distribution is combine with likelihood function then posterior distribution is obtained which in then used as the control limits by find it’s mean.

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